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Joe Biden Just Demanded Jail Time – He Wants To Throw America’s “Anti-Climate” Executives In Prison

Joe Biden thinks every American is in immediate danger.
Because he and all the other Democrats think if we don’t do something soon, the earth is doomed.
So he wants to tax us into oblivion and tell us what we can and can’t buy.
But it gets worse. Way worse.
Now, according to Joe, if you’re not on board, you could end up in jail.
That’s the message Democrat presidential hopeful Biden just sent to America.
Here’s Biden talking about the subject at a New Hampshire town hall (via The Daily Caller):

Biden goes full-on climate crazy here, in my estimation.
First, he says fossil fuel executives should be held liable for what they’ve done in the past.
And if they continue to act in this way, Biden makes it plain:
And by the way, when they don’t and they’re deliberate, put them in jail.
This is what should concern you, my fellow citizens.
It should worry anyone in the world who supports freedom of thought.
In my opinion, Democrats like Biden are basically saying, “do as we say, or we’re going to put you away.”
Their stance on all the issues appears to be getting more extreme.
The freedom to disagree with them is dwindling — and when they start to threaten people with jail time without good cause, that’s a red flag.
If these business executives are breaking existing laws, sure. I understand that.
But you can’t start threatening jail time just because you think they’re hurting the environment.
That’s an authoritarian view. And I have NO interest in it, do you?
SHARE if you think climate change hysteria has gone too far!

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