Even Donald didn’t see this one coming.
It’s one of the biggest lies Democrats tell:
Women hate Republicans. They hate conservative values. And they REALLY hate Donald Trump.
They’ve been pushing that false claim since 2016, despite the fact that the numbers never support such a theory.
For example, do you realize just how much money women have given to the 2020 Trump campaign…?
If you were to believe the Democrats, there should be almost nothing. Again, because “women hate Trump.”
Okay, so how come 10,375 women donated to Trump in the first quarter of 2019?
And why is that DOUBLE the closest Democrat challenger for the 2020 election?
From The Daily Caller:
“More women donated to President Donald Trump’s reelection campaign than any of the Democratic 2020 presidential candidates, according to FEC data.California Sen. Kamala Harris had the second highest number of female donors with 3,850.”
According to the Center for Responsive Politics, President Donald Trump has, far and away, the most female donors.
They’re voting with their money: for Donald Trump. Numbers like this are showing a sharp turn towards a Trump victory in 2020.
Don’t believe me? The numbers don’t lie:
Number of female donors by candidate (Q1 2019):
Donald Trump: 10,375
Kamala Harris: 3,850
Bernie Sanders: 3,271
Beto O’Rourke: 2,289
Cory Booker: 2,020
Pete Buttigieg: 1,335
Elizabeth Warren: 1,330
Amy Klobuchar: 1,321
Yes, thanks to these numbers, Trump gains a big advantage for 2020.
Democrats are reeling over this because they still want to believe that most females will back a Democratic candidate.
But overall, Trump’s fundraising to this point has yielded a whopping $7,592,966 from women!
Obviously, the Democrat claim that women loathe Trump isn’t even close to true, just like the lie that all minorities dislike POTUS.
At this rate, it looks like 2020 won’t even be close.
SHARE if you agree that women LOVE Donald Trump!
Source: The Daily Caller