But the media won’t say a word… Rep. Jim Jordan is a real conservative fighting a tough fight in the House. Recently, he’s been punching back against a wave of corruption coming from the left. And sometimes, from turncoat Republicans (i.e.: Justin Amash). Now, he’s putting a spotlight on his Democratic colleagues. Why? Because they are holding hearings he believes are really about taking Trump down. From Fox News: Jordan, R-Ohio, spoke to “Fox & Friends” before the House Judiciary Committee began a hearing Thursday morning to review Mueller’s report with witnesses from think tanks and the legal community. “They’re going to keep doing impeachment hearings, even though they won’t officially call it that. Like we’re doing today in the Judiciary Committee,” said Jordan. According to Jordan, all these hearings and subpoenas from Democrats are just their attempts at impeaching Trump. They are too cowardly to be open about their intentions. But a man like Jor...